
ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 19. jūlijs

Jociņi par klientiem un dizaineriem!

Mēs taču zinam, ka klienti ir dažādi un arī dizaineri ir dažādi. Ir klienti ar kuriem ir viegli strādāt, ir klienti ko dažkārt vēlamies ejam prom, nekā nākam!

Tad nu te pāris jociņi par to :)

Me: The price for the project we’re talking about will be $XXX.
Client: Really? I had another designer work on this for me last year and he did it for free.
Me: I’m sorry, I can’t work for free. You may want to try going back to him and seeing if he’ll do it for free again this year.
Client: I can’t. He’s no longer in business.

Client: We want our logo to be classy and look expensive.
After explaining my pricing, long conversations regarding the logo, and then several rounds of ideas and client revisions…
Client: We don’t want to pay more than £50 for this, as it isn’t really anything fancy.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Client: I need a flyer designed! It goes to print tomorrow morning!
Me: I don’t usually take such tight-deadline, no-notice work. I’d need you to wire across half of the payment as a deposit first.
Client: How am I going to do that!? Our accountant will be asleep by now and it would be pretty unreasonable to wake him and ask him to work at this hour!
I dont want dark grey. I am looking for more of a light black.

Please use purple or any other innovative colour.


Client: I hate the website you designed and built for me, it’s not what I wanted.
Me: You approved the design before I built it.
Client: I know I approved it, but where does that imply it’s what I wanted?

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